Friday, March 28, 2014

Back To The Chopping Block

My last 2 days have been great. I got a lot of exercise and a lot of rest. Our trip to the gym had me "max" on dead lift at 335, a bit more than I might have hoped. Enjoying the workout and the feel of being sore and getting stronger. 
Last night's trip to Open Mic Nite at Corks was awesome as always. A new group of folks came through, some I cared for and others not as much. I realized last night that I really need to start working on my catalog of covers. I try and learn one new song for each open mic but lately just switching out oldies. I'll definitely try and get something new down for tomorrow night's Midnite Slice gig with Huke and Sam//The Wayward Sons. Looking forward to pizza for sure. 

Loading up on some podcasts for my night at work. Here lately I've been listening to a few different ones. The podcast world is awesome, guys. if you haven't checked any out then please do so. There's one for everything and depending on what you listen to you may actually learn something. Here's a few that have really entertained me for the past few weeks. 
These are just a few of my current favorites, and they help my workday fly by. If you have a job that allows headphones or private radio podcasts or just extra free time at the house, check em out. 
Speaking of podcasts, it looks like I'll be hosting one of my own before long. Speed Run will be a new podcast on The Fire Pit Network featuring myself and hopefully a wide variety of guests. Maybe an appearance from Captain Excitement!? Gonna be a shorter cast than our regular ones, with each episode revolving around one game that we mostly rushed through. Expect stupidity, but hopefully entertaining stupidity. 
Make sure to check out the links on the side there, and stop over and talk to us on The Fire Pit Podcast Facebook page or any of our Twitters. 
Come hang out with us at Midnite Slice in Seabrook tomorrow 3/29 and hear some rustic, sad/happy, cute boy cowboy tunes. Here's the info on that, daddeh. 

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Jody Whiteley, Singing Me To Sleep

I have been getting into sleep studies for about three years now. Trying to find ways to fall asleep quicker, sleep better, and more importantly without nightmares. I went through a period where I had a lot of nightmares, mostly just high anxiety dreams that I couldn't even remember. Eventually I got that under control on my own. I found out about lucid dreaming through a friend, and through those steps I stopped the nightmarathon that had been keeping me awake at night.
Thank goodness.
So time passed, and before I knew it I was just sleeping like normal, no big deal. Until about 7 months ago I could sleep whenever, but my new job changed that. Early mornings, not my thing. It's not waking up early that sucks, it's having to go to sleep early. I had to start forcing myself into bed, and I'd lay there for an hour or two before I fell asleep. 
Like I said, I believe in Lucid Dreaming pretty avidly. I also believe in hypnosis. Which is why I went to the internet, looking for the best sleep hypnosis aid I could find that would knock my ass out immediately. This is where I found Jody
She sounds like a robot. Lifeless voice, layered over basic tones and whistles. She is reassuring and dismissive all at the same time, stressing that you don't have to listen to her, just ignore her, and the magic will happen. Man, call me crazy, for real, but it happens. This chick started putting me to sleep right away and I mean a deep lucid state man. I had some crazy lucid dreams with the help of her sleep training. Now every night I'm looking through her catalog of videos for one I haven't heard yet. They range from 1 hr to 8 hrs long, the 8hr's are my favorite. She coaxes you into a state of sleep that has your mind awake, while your body rests. I have spent whole nights semiconscious and woken up 8 hours later feeling more rested than I do passed out drunk haha.
I just wanted to share Jody with you guys. Call me a weirdo new age hippie or whatever, but I look forward to going to sleep at night because I know how well I will. I have had nights where I didn't listen to Jody, and I practiced her excercises alone. Same results. I have practiced her breathing routines while awake, at the gym or at work, and the same results. I can calm my body, slow my heart rate, and focus. I'm sure it's not all attributed to this wonderful hypnotist, but I'd like to give her some credit. Included here are some links to some of my favorite hypnotherapies by Jody. I hope you enjoy. 
Sleep well. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Strange Things Are Coming My Way

I think I've got a grasp on how this thing works, so lets started:


Hello internet. I'm Kevin. From time to time I'll stop here and drop off some thoughts I've had, or some plans I haven't, maybe a review of some crap I like. 
I help host a new podcast called The Fire Pit. Check out the link I added there, it should be working now. We are trying to become fully self efficient, and this page is just another step I'm taking in that direction. My good friends Huke and Cristi started The Fire Pit after they had a good start on their original show, Cristi Hates Horror on the Horrorphilia network. I'm looking forward to more discussions on food, music, and my personal favorite: Professional Wrestling.
Through using this page, and others, we hope to build a better relationship with you, the listener. 
I think I'll enjoy using this space to air some things that are on my mind from time to time, and I hope to make it worth your while to stop by and see what we've been up to. I'll be back soon, once I find something to write about.

this is an introduction

Snow buddy here, encouraging you to stick around while I figure this out.

Won't take long.
